Dear Ms XXX
Thank you for your recent application for the position of Flight Attendant with Air Macau.
We are pleased to invite you for an interview on 11st January 2014 at 1400LT (Taipei local time) at the following address:
You should be there for registration 10 minutes before your scheduled interview time.
In the event that you successfully passed the first round assessment, you will be required to attend the second assessment in the following day (12nd January 2014). Final interview will start right after the second assessment and individual time for final interview will be arranged and advice. You need to attend final interview either on 12nd & 13rd January 2014.
Please also bring a copy of this e-mail and all the following documents with you for interview:
photocopies of your identity card, educational certificates, passport, English test certificate, Japanese/Korean test certificate (if applicable);
half length size color recent photo;
2 passport-sized photographs on the day of the interview.
Kindly confirm with us of your attendance on or before 6th January 2014 by return e-mail.
We look forward to seeing you soon in Taipei.
Human Resources Division
Air Macau Co. Ltd.
Tel: 853-83966688
E-mail: cabincrew@airmacau.com.mo